Archive for the ‘6 Leadership’ Category

SEVEN MANAGEMENT HAT [1] Administration Hat

Making a transition to management requires understanding the basic functions of the manager. This is the manager’s work from seven basic perspectives -the seven management hats : ADMINISTRATION HAT—managing the nuts and bolts DIRECTION HAT—teacher, coach, promoter, and innovator LEADERSHIP HAT—taking the lead PEOPLE HAT—understanding human behavior ACTION HAT—the hands-on work HIGH-ANXIETY HAT—the challenging work […]

Mengetahui Gaya Kepribadian Atasan Anda by Yudha Argapratama

Ada berbagai buku dan artikel yang ditulis dengan topik mengelola bos/atasan Anda. Asumsi  utama dari semua tulisan tersebut  sama: Jika Anda tahu gaya kepribadian manajer/atasan Anda,Anda akan mampu mengelola orang ini dengan mengetahui apa kebutuhan dan keinginan manajer anda dan bagaimana manajer Anda suka untuk bekerja dan berkomunikasi. Jika Anda dapat mengelola orang ini, Anda […]

Coaching : When Coaching Is Appropriate?

Coaching tends to be most appropriate when: 1. Performance makes an important difference to the employer. Almost by definition, the contributions expected of senior executives fall into this category. Managers at other levels who are in especially significant roles also are responsible for making an important contribution, so they too can be appropriate coaching clients. […]

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